    • Product: Half Ham Center Reserve 2 - 3.5 kg.
    • Suggestion: Very common for slicing for serrano ham snacks.
    • Consumer advice: To properly enjoy this product, take it out of its container 30 minutes before consuming it.
    • Did you know: The healing process of ham gives it nutritional properties with essential amino acids, rich in vitamins B1 and B6, phosphorus, iron, potassium and zinc.
    • Ingredients: Pork ham, salt, sugar, preservatives (E 250, E 252) and antioxidant (E 301).
    • Ham Reserve Center (total 2.6 kg approx.)
    • The product price varies according to the volume of units for each product order.
  • Our Iberian ham of Cebo is an excellent product at a very reasonable price. With a minimum cure of 24 months in our winery and from pigs of 100% Iberian race and father of Duroc breed. An exquisite Iberian ham, the result of the experience of 3 generations, the best raw material of the national cabins, in the lands of Extremadura and of the feed based on selected feed.
    • Infiltrated, veined and juicy flesh
    • Minimal cure: 24 months.
    • Consumption and conservation: Store in a dry place at 20-23º and consume at room temperature.
    • Tasting note: It has a very veined cut with white-pinkish grease, sweet flavor and smooth and juicy texture. A product made with the appropriate salt point and an excellent raw material of meat from pigs reared in semi-extensive regime with selected cereal-based feed.
    • To cut the ham correctly by hand, you must do it in a gentle but firm way with a narrow and long blade knife, which will allow you to obtain thin and uniform slices in size. By slicing your ham in this way, you will discover all its nuances of flavor and aroma.
  • An artisan cow and sheep milk cheese cured for 8 months.Artisan Cheese: Authentic cured Castilian cheese, with a characteristic aroma and flavor. Cheese made with raw cow and sheep milk, cured in the cellar for three months.History dates back to the 19th century, when in 1880 the French expert Claude Napoleón arrived in Reinosa, Cantabria, and installed the first French-type cheese factory in Spain (Port Salut and Camembert), which he called La Reinosa.Two years after its inauguration His Majesty King D. Alfonso XII granted by Royal Order Claude Napoleon "the honors of the Royal House provider, with the use of the Royal Arms shield".
  • An artisan sheep's milk cheese cured for 10 months.An older Manchego gets heartier and more flavorful as it ages. From La Mancha region of  Spain, this sheep's milk cheese has a more developed flavor and firmer texture than younger Manchego cheeses. A good blend of salty and nutty flavors, and sweet hints and buttery taste. Excellent to give a tapas or antipasto platter more dimension. Pair Spanish Manchego cheese with red wine.
  • Whole Foie gras Duck 180gr Preserves Ingredients: Whole duck liver, salt, pepper, nitrifying salt
  • Connoisseurs often prefer the powerful and authentic taste of this Foie Gras. It is composed of one or more whole duck liver lobes from the southwest of France, which are prepared and seasoned according to unique recipe. It can be stored at room temperature (ideally between 10°and 15°) for several years and ages like a fine wine throughout this period.
  • Connoisseurs often prefer the powerful and authentic taste of this Foie Gras. It is composed of one or more whole duck liver lobes from the southwest of France, which are prepared and seasoned according to unique recipe. It can be stored at room temperature (ideally between 10°and 15°) for several years and ages like a fine wine throughout this period.
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