- An artisan sheep's milk cheese cured for about 6 to 8 months.An older Manchego gets heartier and more flavorful as it ages. From La Mancha region of Spain, this sheep's milk cheese has a more developed flavor and firmer texture than younger Manchego cheeses. A good blend of salty and nutty flavors, and sweet hints and buttery taste. Excellent to give a tapas or antipasto platter more dimension. Pair Spanish Manchego cheese with red wine.
- LOT Ibericos Sliced
- 3 - Envelopes, Iberian bait ham 100 gr.
- 3 - Envelopes, Iberian bait loin 100 gr.
- 3 - Envelopes, Iberian bait chorizo 100 gr.
- 3 - Envelopes, Iberian bait Salchichón 100 gr.
- Foca gras pad of goose 1000gr, 98% foie Ingredients: goose liver, salt, spices, nitrifying salt.