• Black Pig Bellota Ham 100% Iberian Pata Negra
    • Quality and Pure Acorn Racial Purity 100% Iberian
    • Maturing: More than 30 months
    • The Ham of Author: It is the flagship product, with raw material from 100% pure Iberian pigs. Acorn-fed Iberian ham, with more than 30 months of maturing. Noble, exquisite and unique for its texture, aroma and unique flavor.
    • The combination of a natural diet and movement in an idyllic environment result in an unmistakable flavor. Cradle of the best Iberian does the rest, in the cellars the pieces are cured at the rhythm of the seasons, slowly and naturally, defining the aroma and exquisite flavor that characterize.
    • Our Hammakers, watch and supervise each Jamon as guarantors of the evolutionary development of our pieces from its initial stage to its final selection ensuring an unmatched quality in each of the legs.
    • The pieces of this brand can only be found in prestigious restaurants and delicatessens as well as in delicatessen stores.
  • Iberian pork loin from Guijuelo area, Spain. Guijuelo is situated on the Iberian plain over one thousand meters above sea level. The microclimate is characterized by cold, dry winters and short, mild summers, ideal for perfect drying and excellent maturation of hams and loins.
    • Weight: 800 gr approx.
    • Category: Super Extra.
    • Type: Embuchado in a natural casing.
    • Presentation: Vacuum
    • Acorn-fed Iberian loin from Iberian pig fed with acorns and grass in the lands and meadows of Guijuelo, Salamanca. It is marinated, stuffed in natural casings and cured in heated cellars. The use of natural spices from the mountain ranges of the area, the careful genetic selection and feeding of the pigs in origin are characterized.
  • Pure Iberian Acorn Loin
    The Iberian loin tenderloin is one of the gastronomic references of Spain. The loin is obtained from pure Iberian pigs fed exclusively with acorns. A rich and healthy product that is part of the Mediterranean diet. Made from a selection of the best purebred Iberian pigs raised free in the "Dehesas" of the Iberian Peninsula.
    • A pure Iberian loin of acorn at a spectacular price. The best selection of purebred Iberian pigs to obtain a unique and exclusive piece for the most select palates.
    • Quality and Racial Purity: Acorn 75% Iberian
    • Weight: 1,35 kg approx.
    • Maturing: 120 days approx.
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